Bosnia and Herzegovina participates with one group located at
Faculty of Technology, University of Tuzla
The group from the Faculty of Technology being part of University of Tuzla from Bosnia and Herzegovina, is focused on studies of theoretical principles (correlation between structure and chemical behaviour) as well as in the practical application of different colloid-water systems. In joint studies organic and analytical chemists investigate possibility of application of different nonionic, cationic and anionic surfactant molecules for optimization of certain analytical methods. One of often used approaches in their work is cloud point extraction technique for metal ion pre-concentration and quantification, where certain nonionic surfactants can be successfully applied for separation purposes, thus avoiding toxic organic solvents (e.g. chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, etc.). Another frequently method they use and that also shows satisfactory separation efficiency are bulk liquid membrane transport systems, which contain surfactant micelles in the role of metal ion carriers through the liquid membranes.
The researches have also an experience in biopolymer–surfactant and biopolymer-biological fluids interactions as well as in characterization and modifications of biopolymers surfaces. Very important aspects of research are also the studies of interactions between surfaces and macromolecules in water, adhesion of macromolecules on lipid layers and interactions between microorganisms and material surfaces.
Available equipment includes tensiometer, UV/VIS spectrophotometer, conductometer, FTIR spectrophotometer, viscometer, ultrasonic bath, flame photometer, electronic microscope, and atomic absorption spectrophotometer.
Contact person:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jasmin Suljagić (e-mail: jasmin.suljagic@untz.ba)
Faculty of Technology
University of Tuzla
University Street 8
BA-75000 Tuzla