Water – a common but anomalous substance that has to be taught and studied

The CEEPUS network “Water – a common but anomalous substance that has to be taught and studied” focuses on the teaching and studying water, not only as one of the compounds crucial to our lives, but also from the point of view of its extreme importance in industrial processes. It links institutions that approach water from its basic physico-chemical properties with institutions that implement this fundamental knowledge into products of an applied nature. 

Such production and transfer of knowledge is possible through good cooperation between partners at both the educational and research levels. A very important contribution to this knowledge transfer is made by students during their mobilities, where joint supervision of theses is possible and joint programs are pursued.

It is our ambitious plan to become a network not limited by regional borders, where students can get the most comprehensive knowledge about water not only in the chemical sense, but also about the role of water in aqueous systems, including applied systems.